Dearest Gentle Reader,
(LOL, kidding! This isn't an episode of Bridgerton)
And yet, when you start a business, that's exactly how you'll feel - all eyes on you as you make your debut into polite (judgey) society.
Noting each smudge of makeup or each trip over the hem of your dress.
Here's the thing, I'm not going to lie to you... Starting out on your own is hard work, and you will be judged. You will fall flat on your face time and time again, but that's okay, it has happened to the best of us... It just isn't shown amongst all the perfection on social media.
And sometimes, it doesn't even matter how hard you work or how much you know about your industry... Sometimes you'll still find yourself in a dead period where your clients are either too busy to handover work to you, or they simply don't need anything from you.
You'll post in Facebook groups with no traction, you'll even pay for some social media advertising with no leads... And you'll wonder to yourself, "can I really do this? Maybe I'm simply not good enough."
That, my dear friends, is imposter syndrome.
You started your business for a reason. You started it because you wanted a different life and you believed you could do it.
Past all the anxiety and fear, you KNEW deep down that you had the skills to succeed.
But sometimes, that feeling slips away, and you might find yourself comparing your business to others successes. You'll feel like you should be further along... "Why the hell am I not making 7 figures a month like everyone else claims to be?!"
The thing is, comparing yourself to others, to the money that brag about making, will only set you up for failure. There isn't one face of success... So comparing yourself can only lead to more unnecessary stress.
You need to look past the imposter in the mirror, look deeper, and see the person you knew you were when you decided to start the business.
And ride the inevitable waves of entrepreneurship that no one really talks about, the highs and the lows... Find yourself lying in a ditch, pick yourself up and dust off that pesky dirt, and keep going.
Research new trends, learn new skills - stay ahead even when you're in in a dead period so that when business inevitably picks up again, you're ready with an edge!
As to how to handle the terrifying emotions that come with the lows in business... Oh god I wish I knew how. But just know, it's temporary. That's the only advice I can give in that regards, just keep going, because it won't last. Keep pushing, keep busting your ass (while also practicing self-care every single day to avoid burnout,) and I promise, things will pick up and the waves will become less frequent as you find your success, whatever that may look like for you.
And the gawkers in their white silk gloves and ball gowns judging you as you make your debut? Haters are going to hate, no matter how perfect you are. Wear your mistakes with pride as simply a lesson learnt on your way up the ladder of success.
Walk with determined purpose in the face of adversity, and you will not fail.
Yours truly,
Lady Whistledown