I wish starting a business was like a fairytale. I wish the prince of some faraway kingdom came with a glass slipper to pull me from scrubbing floors and make all my dreams come true. Just like that

I think we'd all much prefer it that way.
But the truth is, it's a long way and a lot of hard work to take you from scrubbing floors to sitting on a throne. But you can do it all on your own, no pretend prince necessary.
Let me transport you back in time to where it all began for me...
I was really excited to start my business. I had the passion and drive to make it work, but that doesn't equal instant success.
I spent over $10,000 to start up. New laptop, branding, website, business name, and then there was also the launch party.
I bought custom-branded wine cups as gifts for the attendees, created a decadent grazing table, designed and professionally printed flyers, bought cases of local wines, venue hire, and paid for digital invites to send out to all potential clients and friends.

And with all that planning, all that money... About 20-30 people showed up.
Most of whom were my friends and loved ones.
Halfway through the night, while the bubbles were flowing and laughter filled the room, one of my friends turned to me and asked "do you feel like the night was a success?"
And I answered honestly, "I'm celebrating the start of my business with the people I love, so I honestly don't care if tonight was a success. But to me, it was."
And I meant it.
In many people's eyes, I'm sure it would have been considered a failed launch... Too many expenses and absolutely no leads (whoops!)
But I have zero regrets from my launch party. Sure, it would have been absolutely amazing to gain some leads and widen my network... But that all came further down the track, all in waves.
My point is, don't expect a quick start... In all likelihood, it won't happen. There's no glass slipper when it comes to business.
But try to celebrate the highs and lows regardless. Each stepping stone is a learning curve, but you WILL get to where you want to be if you just keep riding the waves.
If you learn anything from this article, let it be this... Hold your loved ones close and lean on them for support. They are the key to your success. That, and... Wine. 😉🥂

Laura. X