Dear Diary,
Where, oh where, does one start when launching a remote business?
Do I create a logo, choose a niche, start an Insta, or discover how awesome life is when you can live it in PJs?
I just feel so lost in the world right now, no one understands me... Blah blah blah.
Ha, just kidding. Not about the PJ part though - life really is so much better when you're comfortable all. The. Time!
But I'm pretty sure that's not what you're here to read...

I'm pretty sure you're here to read the exact steps you need to take, in order of importance, to start your business.
I'm here to break your dreams and tell you it isn't a science.
There is no exact formula to success (even if coaches who want to charge you a bomb claim there is.) What works for one won't always work for the other.
Sure, there are strategies and techniques for social media, websites, branding, all that jazz... But that doesn't mean your entire business journey will look anything like anyone else's.
The truth is, when I first started my business, I didn't have everything figured out either. If I'm being completely honest, I didn't have anything figured out. And it was downright terrifying.
I didn't know my niche, or my exact target market, or even love my branding.
In fact, I quite often look back and cringe.

But there's one thing I had that got me started, and kept me going to where I am now. And that's simple determination.
I know that's not what you want to hear... Trust me, I get it.
You just need to start anywhere. Choose your branding, register your business name, open your Insta account, build your website... Whatever comes first, it doesn't matter.
Because businesses evolve, just as people do. A little too quickly, if you ask me.
We learn new skills, add new services, discover new trends, and develop new passions and dreams. And that's okay, that's life. We just need to learn to roll with it.
Four years ago, I had a totally different logo, different Insta account, different website, different branding, different business name... You get the gist.
I changed. And my business changed with me.
So, don't be afraid to just begin - even if everything hasn't fallen into place yet.
And keep busting your butt... You'll get there. The all-day PJ parties are totally worth the effort.
